Diversity Visa Lottery - U.S. Immigration -FANH

Visa Lottery for the U.S.!

Best Kept Secret of the new Millennium!

Very few people have this information and the few that do
will not share it for fear of competition.

Foreigners pay Immigration Lawyers from $300 to $500 U.S. 
Dollars to process the “Diversity Visa Lottery” application.

How many times have you thought of giving your loved ones a better
future, a chance for the young generation to accomplish their very
best in a Country were Dreams can still come true. This is your first
step towards making reality what you could only dream off.

Once a year, the U.S. Government opens a period of time for 
submission of applications for the “Diversity Visa Lottery” or DV-1.
The next one is known by the name of DV-2004 and 
will close by Noon time, Wednesday November 6, 2002.

If you are among the 50,000 lucky applicants selected by the State Department
National Visa Center, you will be eligible to apply for your Permanent 
Resident Visa along with your spouse and unmarried children under
21 years old.  


1.	You or your spouse must be a native of an eligible country.
Please go to our Website for the complete listing of countries
www.i-of-america.com <http://www.i-of-america.com>

	All Countries are eligible to participate in this Lottery, EXCEPT:
	Canada, Mexico, Colombia, El Salvador, Jamaica, Dominican Republic,
	China (except Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan), India, Vietnam,
Philippines, South Korea, Pakistan, United Kingdom
(except Northern Ireland), Haiti and Jamaica.

2.	You must have a high school diploma or the equivalent OR 
you must have two years of work experience within the last
five years in an occupation that requires at least two years
of training or experience to perform.

Many of you wants to participate but do not have the complete 
information as to what is exactly needed to apply and where.
For DV-2003 there were 25% of all entries rejected for 
lack of information or non-compliance with instructions. 

Don't let this happen to you.

Put your trust in I of America, a Nevada based company where your
application will be reviewed, processed correctly and submitted on time.
And we will remind you each year when it's time to participate again.

For those who want to explore other avenues of Immigration into the
U.S. but cannot afford to spend anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000 in
attorney's fees, a yearly subscription to our I of America Newsletter
will provide you all the specific information on how to apply through
Family, Employment or other means … we will tell you the Forms
you need to fill and alert you to the difficult areas of the form.

Once you have become a client of I of America,, you can easily download
INS Forms from our own Website FREE!.

Two basic reasons to apply for the Visa Lottery through I of America:

1.	You will be able to count with a silent partner who will be reminding 
you year after year that it is time to apply again. Best of all, your 
information is already available from the past year so it will only 
require an update of your application for any address changes,
new photos, etc. and I of America will do the rest.

2.	If you are one of the lucky winners, you still will have to show either:

a.	Proof of self-sufficiency.
b.	Proof of permanent employment in the U.S.

I of America will see to it that you get connected with local Employers
here in the U.S. and connect you with local Employment Agencies in
the town of your choice. We will be here to help you get through the 
entire process. 

All of the above is included at a price of $30.00 minimum.

As an incentive, if you return your application within 30 days from the 
receipt of this mail, you will automatically be the winner of $500.00
Bonus offered by I of America to you, in the event that you are a
Lottery Winner. (Bonus paid only upon proof of issuance of the Green Card
or Permanent Residency.)

For full details and application form visit us at: www.i-of-america.com <http://www.i-of-

Our Website contains complete information in six languages: English,
Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch and Italian.

For a translation of this email message into your language try the following
websites which can provide you free translations:

www.freetranslation.com <http://www.freetranslation.com>
www.translate.ru <http://www.translate.ru>
www.worldlingo.com <http://www.worldlingo.com>
www.sangenjaya.arc.net <http://www.sangenjaya.arc.net>

If you do not have use for this information, please re-send this important
Information to your family, friends and co-workers.

If you do not want to receive this information in the future please send us a note to:
remove@I-of-america.com <mailto:remove@I-of-america.com>

Received on Friday, 16 August 2002 16:13:35 UTC