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>From rigo  Mon Sep 10 18:38:01 2001
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From: Ken Martin <kenm@digitalcyclone.com>
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Subject: [Moderator Action] IE6 and 3rd party cookies
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I am quite near ulcer over this... :(

I work on a web site that serves weather information through affiliate
frames. We are, of course, seeing IE6 reject our cookies because we were not
P3P compliant.

On discovering this, I have spend a *lot* of time on the w3c site and the MS
site trying to apply the steps and become compliant. The site now runs fine
through the W3C Validator - see

I have even set up a dummy 'affiliate' site through which I frame through to
the weather information and tried to make that dummy affiliate P3P compliant
- see <http://validator.w3.org/p3p/20001215/p3p.pl?uri=www.kpmartin.com>.

The workflow, pre-IE6, was:

- a user would log in (possible from a variety of places)
- they would be redirected to their affiliate
- the new page would have a frame which pointed to our frame.my-cast.com
- that my-cast server would attempt to write the cookies necessary to server
  the personalized weather (as a third-party)

This works flawlessly with every other browser, but the addition of P3P is
killing it.

I have noted on MS's site the things that MS will consider unacceptable, and
as far as I can tell, our CP has none of those things.

Is IE6 working properly with third-party cookies? Is there a way to
troubleshoot what I've done? (It's very hard since if I try to validate the
actual 'landing page' of the redirected user, the *validator* is redirected
since it doesn't send valid cookies.)

Privacy is important to our customers, and we've tried to be on top of
things, but this is truly confounding us.

Can anyone offer any advice?

Ken Martin

Received on Monday, 10 September 2001 18:11:17 UTC