Re: innovation

If  you are interested in the early history, I think the concept for P3P was
actually "born" in the AT&T Infolab during May of 1996 and first presented
by Paul Resnick of AT&T (now on the faculty of the Univ. of Michigan) at the
FTC Workshop in June 1996.  I was a Visiting Professor in the InfoLab that
summer.  The project started as an adaptation of the PICS technology and
eventually became known as P3P.  The transcript for that FTC workshop is at: .  Paul Resnick's
presentation is at pp. 79-90.  For the demonstration, I wrote a vocabulary
based on the CSA privacy standard.  There was also a second vocabulary based
on the EU Directive that illustrated how much more complicated it would be
to code the directive.  These original vocabularies are available at  (they were attached
to a paper I gave on using filtering technologies for privacy at the 19th
International Conference of Data Protection Commissioners in 1997).

Best regards,



Joel R. Reidenberg
Professor of Law and Director of the Graduate Program
Fordham University School of Law
140 W. 62nd Street
New York, NY 10023
Tel: (212)636-6843
Fax: (212)636-6899

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----- Original Message -----
From: Rigo Wenning <>
To: Yuwei Lin <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2001 6:00 AM
Subject: Re: innovation

> Dear Yuwei Lin,
> Lorrie Cranor from AT&T is currently under way to write a book on
> the start and development of P3P. There were many actors from
> industry, NGO's and the education area. The idea was already
> around for some time (according to Lorrie Cranor) and was then
> brought to the W3C for further development. Please look at the
> FAQ for further information[1].
> There were bottlenecks:
> In 1998, Intermind claimed to have a Patent, which would apply
> also to the implementation on P3P. This stopped the further
> development for  some time. W3C ordered an expertise from a very
> senior patent attorney[2]. The result of this expertise was, that
> implementing P3P would not infringe the Intermind-Patent.
> P3P, as it was planned in the first place, was very complex. To
> encourage implementation and deployment, the Working Group
> decided to start with a very simple version 1.0 and report the
> complicated things -like the negotiation protocol- to a future
> version 2.0.
> But no, there was no hacking and cracking and violation of
> network security needed or operated for the development of P3P. I
> think, I can exclude that for W3C as a whole.
> Best,
> Rigo Wenning            W3C/INRIA
> Policy Analyst          Privacy Activity Lead
>        2004, Routes des Lucioles
> +33 (0)6 73 84 87 31    F-06902 Sophia Antipolis
> On Fri, May 18, 2001 at 10:17:14AM -0400, Yuwei Lin wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> > I am doing my PhD thesis on ICT innovation. I am very curious about the
> > actors involving in the development of P3P. Can anyone provide me
> > information about the process of P3P invention and the detailed actor
> > list? What I am more interested is that, is there any battleneck
> > happened on the innovation process and is there any actor involving in
> > violating network security for testing, for example hacking or cracking?
> > All answers are welcome.
> >
> > Best,
> > Yuwei Lin
>   2.
>   1.

Received on Sunday, 27 May 2001 09:36:29 UTC