- From: Susan Lesch <lesch@w3.org>
- Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 17:32:06 -0800
- To: www-p3p-public-comments@w3.org
Belated congratulations on your P3P 1.0 Candidate Recommendation [1]. Here are just a few minor typos that I may have missed last time. Also I have one question about capitalization: Will user agents display literally the names of purposes, attribute values, and category and short display names of Basic Data Structures? I couldn't figure out why these are all capitalized like headlines. The specification, and possibly dialog boxes or alerts in a user agent, could be easier to read if these phrases and BNF comments that include them were lowercase. (Some are quite long.) If you do want them capitalized for some reason, then you may wish to review section 5, where some parts of these names are lowercase (e.g. Postal code, Partial hostname, Last URI requested by the user). Same in section 3 (e.g. for 3.2.6, Customer service, compared to 3.3.4, Completion and Support of Current Activity.) Globally -------- "Implementor" and "implementer" are both correct but you might settle on one spelling. "Web" should always be capitalized. Base Data Schema is sometimes capitalized, sometimes emphasized (<em>) and sometimes neither. Plain lowercase throughout might look neater. Minor typos ----------- From here down, a section number is followed by a quote and then a suggestion. In 1.1 par. 1, the first occurrence of base data schema could link: <a href="#Base_Data_Schema">base data schema</a> 1.1.4 par. 1 Webbrowsers Web browsers 2.2.1 par. 2 accessable accessible par. 1 asterix (twice) asterisk last list item any URI pattern that do not conform any URI pattern that does not conform list item 4 lfetime lifetime - the blockquote element is for quoting not for indentation. that GET/POST/whatever request "Whatever" is pretty colloquial for a specfication. How about: that GET or POST request (or just "that request") 2.4.4 Webresource Web resource 3.2.6 service Webpage Web page 3.3.4 <contact/> Webcontent Web content 3.3.4 <historical/> preseservation preservation 3.3.6 second to last line indeterminated indeterminate 4.2.1 par. 1 Such optional attribute encodes Such an optional attribute encodes 4.2.1 [50] <presudo-analysis/> <pseudo-analysis/> <preudo-decision/> <pseudo-decision/> <indovidual-decision/> <individual-decision/> 4.2.4 last par. user-agent user agent 4.2.6 [56] there is some DISPUTES there are some DISPUTES 4.3 par. 1 a cookies cookies 4.3 needs an ending period. In 5.1 third to last par., this sentence is too long. What about breaking it like so? "...in other schema definitions. (In the vehicle example above we redefine as preference the category for the vehicle.built.where structure, while the postal structure, defined in the Base Data Schema, has the physical and demographic categories.)" 5.4.4 clickstream Web sites that collect standard server access logs can use this data element to describe how that data will be used, as well as this element sites which do URI path analysis. What does the second part mean? Maybe reword this: Web sites that collect standard server access logs as well as sites which do URI path analysis can use this data element to describe how that data will be used. 5.4.4 clientevents occurrance occurrence Appendix 5 second comment Policy Refernece Policy Reference Appendix 5 PURPOSE pseudo-decition pseudo-decision Appendix 8 Doubleclick -> DoubleClick (twice) [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/CR-P3P-20001215/ Best wishes for your project, -- Susan Lesch - mailto:lesch@w3.org tel:+1.858.483.4819 World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) - http://www.w3.org/
Received on Saturday, 24 February 2001 20:32:27 UTC