Software exports and Business relationship with your country

Blue Bird Technologies                         
                                                                                                46f, rafi ahamed kidwai road,

                                                                                                5th floor, Calcutta - 700 016

                                                                                                Phone: 229-5463 Fax: 229-7897

 Sub: Software exports and Business relationship with your country

 Dear Sir, 

 India, as you know, has of late vastly developed in the export of various commodities and we as an Indian manufacturer of hi tech chemical products of organic and inorganic pigments like Phthalocyanines and Chrome pigments, now also in a 100 % export oriented Software Company and a Computer Education and desire to be associated in cordial trade relation with your respected country in respect of the above commodities.

 We are engaged in the development of a range of IT enabled solution & services. Our state-of-the-art development house, testing centre and corporate office is located in Calcutta, India.

We are focusing on some principle areas of development as follows:

Customized software solutions for small, medium & large business & manufacturing houses, corporate bodies, and Government, Non-government organisations, on all open systems.

 B2C, C2B, C2A, A2A, A2B, B2A and A2C web based applications and services.

 ERP and Data ware housing and Business Intelligence Solutions on 2/3 tier systems on MS, Oracle, UNIX & AS400 platforms.

 Large and semi large database integration and management on SQL Server, Oracle8i, Sybase, Informix platforms with online data processing and data banking services for Government/Non Government institutions, Banks & Financial institutions.

 Software testing and contract programming.

 Manpower training and placements.

We are sure our prompt services and technical abilities will be able to satisfy your requirements more competitively. 

We are deeply interested in regular and long term business relationship with your country, we shall highly appreciate your circulating the same through your chamber of commerce and other business associations and also providing us the name and addresses of your chamber of commerce, the business associations and interested parties

Thanking you in the meanwhile, we are, 

 Yours truly,



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Received on Thursday, 21 September 2000 01:28:07 UTC