? regarding the Recipient Element.


The 10/18 spec made changes to the RECIPIENT element. 
The statment :    'with the exception of <ours>, a required tag (analogously
to purposes),
indicating whether opt-in/opt-out sharing is available'
is somewhat unclear to me.

Information in the Purpose's section provides a definition of required
 required = " required=" `"`' ("always"|"opt-in"|"opt-out") `"` 
as well as specifing that 'always' is the default when no required attribute
is present.
Which is clear to me, however, the Recipient section does not go into this
kind of specifics. 
From what is there I would infer that only "opt-in" and "opt-out" should be
available. But is there a
default when no 'required' is provide ?


Gary Moison          YOUpowered, Inc.
                     permission based personalization

(e-mail) gary.moison@YOUpowered.com
(phone)	978.322.4324
(fax) 	978.322.4310

The views expressed in this message are my own and do not represent
those of YOUpowered, Inc.

Received on Wednesday, 25 October 2000 11:11:59 UTC