MUMPS Programmer Resume (27 years experience)

Charles S. Volkstorf
29 Concord Ave. # 710
Cambridge, MA 02138

Dear Employer,

In response to your job notice, I have been programming exclusively in the 
MUMPS programming language since 1973. My entire professional life has been 
devoted to MUMPS. I have worked for 8 Hospitals, 4 HMO's (Health 
Maintenance Organizations), 3 Universities, 3 Commercial Laboratories and 
12 Vendors, for a total of 30 different MUMPS users. Much of my work has 
been with the popular IDX System.

My detailed resume can be copied and pasted (ctrl A = select all, ctrl C = 
copy and ctrl V = paste) from either of two web sites: or

Please feel free to copy either of these links into your browser to access 
my resume.  I can also email you a copy if you will send a request to me at .

I can work anywhere under contract. Please forward copies of my resume to 
your branch offices.

If you have need for any MUMPS programming expertise, please feel free to 
contact me.


Charles Volkstorf

Received on Friday, 13 October 2000 16:05:22 UTC