Re: P3P Comments

Thomas Hubbard wrote:

>April 29 Draft.
>In section 3.3.6, the <DATA> element "describes the data to be transferred
>or inferred".  However in the Introduction "P3P does not include mechanisms
>for transferring data...".  It sounds like the DATA element provides such a
>mechanism.  What is meant by mechanism in the introduction?

Web sites store data that was transferred to them by users or their
browsers. They also store data based on inferences about users
(perhaps based on web pages visited, for example). The P3P vocabulary
allows web sites to describe the kind of data that is transferred or 
inferred. This is completely independent of the mechanism used to do
the transfer. In most cases the mechanism is a standard HTML form.


Lorrie Cranor
P3P Specification Working Group Chair

Received on Wednesday, 31 May 2000 22:18:39 UTC