- From: Joseph M. Reagle Jr. <reagle@MIT.EDU>
- Date: Thu, 06 Jul 2000 10:06:14 -0400
- To: grimm@darmstadt.gmd.de, rosnagel@uni-kassel.de
- Cc: www-p3p-public-comments@w3.org
Dr. Grimm and Professor Rossnagel, Could you please explain the points of: o P3P doesn't not provide the authentication of the policy or the electronic consent. The appropriate English translated text of TDDSG states, "(7) Consent can also be declared electronically if the provider ensures that such consent can be given only through an unambiguous and deliberate act by the user, consent cannot be modified without detection, the creator can be identified" [1]. As the definition of personal data continues to be problematic (or inconsistent across domains), would not some data that is personal-though-not-identifiable then be required to be associated with an identity? (What is the definition of personal data used?) Also, is there an English text of the MDStV [2] as I assume that includes the authentication requirements? - this bullet could use better pointers to the (present) TDDSG and (absent) MDStv references. o How is the "description material for an automatic interpretation ... insufficient"? o Can you cite text that requires the category to be associated with purpose? Would this not make the matrix of possible categories/purposes when enumerated overwhelming? The purpose of the P3P vocabulary design is to be as expressive as possible while limiting the variables and their range [3]. o Your email addresses and the URL of the paper would be a useful thing to include in the PDF file. o The URL in the [IuK_97] reference is incorrect as their is a trailing slash after the *.html . [1] http://www.iid.de/rahmen/iukdgebt.html#a2 [2] http://www.iid.de/contents.html [3] http://www.w3.org/People/Reagle/papers/tprc97/tprc-f2m3.html At 12:12 2000-06-30 -0400, Y wrote: >An interesting new paper that explores P3P in the context >of European privacy legislation... > >P3P and the privacy legislation in Germany: can P3P help to protect privacy >worldwide? >by Rüdiger Grimm and Alexander Rossnagel >http://sit.gmd.de/~grimm/texte/P3P-Germany-e.pdf _______________________ Regards, http://www.mit.edu/~reagle/ Joseph Reagle E0 D5 B2 05 B6 12 DA 65 BE 4D E3 C1 6A 66 25 4E MIT LCS Research Engineer at the World Wide Web Consortium. * This email is from an independent academic account and is not necessarily representative of my affiliations.
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