Re: Opt out info?


The P3P specification does not directly address opt-out.
We do have a change_agreement field, which will be changed
to a change_preferences field in our next public working draft
(which we expect to release some time around January 31).
In general, many companies offer individuals an opportunity
to opt-out of certain types of uses of their data. For example,
a company may allow you to opt-out of having your name
included on their mailing list. Whether your name is actually
erased entirely from their database depends on the company.
If you are a customer, they will probably keep your name so
that they have a record of whatever transactions you have
done with them. You may find additional information about
opt out on the Online Privacy Alliance web site at


Lorrie Cranor
P3P Specification Working Group Chair

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Jan McAlonan <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2000 5:38 PM
Subject: Opt out info? 

> Is there is a policy or standard regarding opting out?  When someone
> opts out, is their previously collected information erased?  
> Should your report not address these issues, would you please recommend
> another source? Thank you.
> Best regards,
> Jan M. McAlonan
> Neuristics 

Received on Sunday, 16 January 2000 20:55:10 UTC