- From: <sfaquestions@sendflowersamerica.com>
- Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 02:32:33
SendFlowersAmerica is proud to introduce FlowerFunds-- This unique new concept will provide an income flow for your organization for years to come. Your organization is invited to explore the possibilities of participating in FlowerFunds. $FlowerFunds is an individualized fund raising program for non-profit organizations and schools. $FlowerFunds are cash rebates that are paid to your organization each and every time an order is placed by your members and supporters. $The best part is that it costs your organization nothing to participate!! How it works: 1. When your members and supporters order flowers or gifts through sendflowersamerica they determine the price they want to pay; be it $30, $40, $50 or $1000. Since your members and supporters determine the price, they all can participate in this program. 2. Your organization receives 20% of the purchase price of the order. Say a husband buys his wife a $50 bouquet. Your organization will receive a $10 cash rebate. Nice. This program never ends. Each and every time there is an order placed by your memebers and supporters, your organization will receive the 20% cash rebate. That's a lot of FlowerFunds, and your organization stands to benefit from a findraiser unlike any other fundraiser. For more information call 1 800 SEND 123 or http://www.sendflowersamerica.com Imagine earning money for your organization by making someone smile :-)
Received on Wednesday, 30 August 2000 08:07:18 UTC