Re: open letter on P3P

Thanks Danny. I'll look forward to the dialog.

	1. On developing services to support anonymous communication: Your letter
	suggests that W3C should be putting energy into developing specs to enable
	more anonymous communication.  I believe that anonymity is tremendously
	important, see for
	example, and would like to hear your thoughts on what W3C or other bodies
	could do to advance this goal.

One thing that jumps to mind is RFC 2109, which proposes that
third party cookies not be sent by default.
But I'm sure there are many others.

	2. Your letter encouraged me to look more closely at your Junkbuster
	service.  Being a lawyer who reads the fine print, I noticed that you ask
	users to grant your company a copyright license in their personal

Yes, as the purpose of the service is to get data about permissions and denials
from the individual to markers, we thought it best to have an explicit licence.
There is also an option here for the data subject to use the data under the GPL.
Obviously the mere names are not copyright, and the question of how far the
canned format permissions are covered is one for the savants.

The common element here is that existing US law is not adequate to protect
personal data. Trying to bend copyright or property rights to do so is torturous.
I agree with you that propertization is a very unsatisfactory route.
Nor is technology going to solve the problem alone.

BTW, the URL for the final version of my letter is:



Received on Wednesday, 15 September 1999 14:43:57 UTC