P3P, first take

I think you are creating something twenty times more complicated that the 
real world actually needs.

This means very few programmers will have the patience to code this, and 
end users will be baffled by the full generality.

All you need are four security categories and standard field 
names.  Permission simply gives the level of access 1 through 4.

1. info needed to simply make an app more friendly like first name, 
preferred colours, timezone

2. email contact info

3. phone/mail contact info, including latitude/longitude.

4. financial info: credit card numbers.

If you want to create a do everything but eat protocol, at least sit back 
and define a simple subset of it for the masses.


Roedy Green			roedy@mindprod.com
Canadian Mind Products	telephone: (604) 435-3052
5317 Barker Avenue
Burnaby, BC CANADA V5H 2N6
<http://mindprod.com> for CMP utilities and the Java glossary

Received on Friday, 29 October 1999 18:17:38 UTC