Re: P3P question


I'm forwarding your email to the comment list and the other contacts since I
think they can answer this question better than I can.

At 07:23 99/11/23 -0800, Karen Coyle wrote:
 >Hi. I'm trying to get a grasp on the lastest P3P draft and the removal of 
 >the data transport portion of the protocol. Some people are interpreting 
 >this as meaning that there will not be any uploading of data during a 
 >P3P-managed transaction. That would only make sense to me if there were no 
 >data elements associated with P3P, but the mandatory data elements remain 
 >in the protocol.
 >Is it still expected that the user's data may/will be conveyed to the 
 >requesting site, but just using some other mechanism? In other words, what 
 >is the purpose of the mandatory data elements in the current draft?
 >If I missed something on the P3P site that explains all of this, don't 
 >hesitate to point me to it.
 >Karen Coyle

Joseph Reagle Jr.   
Policy Analyst 
XML-Signature Co-Chair

Received on Wednesday, 24 November 1999 11:50:14 UTC