Re: Re The General Topic of Secure Information

Have you taken a look at how the architecture you described maps on to
the current design of P3P?

>>>>> "Sawken," == Sawken, Bob <> writes:

    > Here what I want...

    > Public, no cost, trusted site network distributed software to
    > generate secure Personal Data Information Objects (maybe a Java
    > class package, maybe a package ON MY system that I control the
    > execution, You must contact me to get data!)  ...

    > These objects / classes would be an FTP'able files (or E-mail)

    > The software to generate then will tailorable by me as to
    > encryption methods, nnnbits, Etc So I can hide the signature of
    > the data

    > The object methods and actions will also be settable to include:

    > Data: Personal data Name, Address, SSN, credit card, Digital
    > signature forms and data: Authorizations for credit checks,
    > medical information releases, Employer information,

    > Decrypted and extracted data formats will be well known for easy
    > processing say XML

    > The behavior of the object will be settable by ME

    > 1) One-time use only, within 10 minutes 2) Life of two days Or
    > maybe...  3) Data extract WILL require successful sequence of:
    > E-mail known-only-to-me encrypted message, I (or software)
    > responds within a time period with a message and data extract is
    > made available

    > To start the process of data extract will require a PIN, Public
    > key supplied by me...

    > Bob Sawken GRC International 703-506-4988 -
    > Fax: 703-506-4696

| Rolf Nelson (, Project Manager, W3C at MIT
|   "Try to learn something about everything
|             and everything about something."  --Huxley


Received on Thursday, 11 March 1999 19:09:31 UTC