Question on Data Collection

Hello All,

I work for a mortgage software solutions company. We
have couple of web applications which serve the
mortgage brokers.

We are planning to be a P3P enabled web site very
soon. And I have started looking at P3P since couple
of days, so apologies if this is a very naive

The brokers come day-in/day-out into this web
application, fill in their prospective/current client
information. The information is very critical. We at
any time do not store or share the mortgage brokers
(who are the users of our web site) information. But
we do store their client's information on our servers.
We usually store the loan details the personal
information etc for the loan to be processed for a
particular broker.

Can someone let me know if P3P scope goes as far as
this scenario. How would one implement policies in
scenarios like this.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Received on Monday, 26 September 2005 10:03:37 UTC