p3p problem

    I have a p3p policy and compact policy set up for
www.insurance4brokers.co.uk/council/. There is a cloaked site
www.county-council.co.uk on a different server to which includes a frame
containing www.insurance4brokers.co.uk/council/.  If I go to
www.insurance4brokers.co.uk before I try www.county-council.co.uk  in the
same session then everything is ok. If however the first thing I try is
www.county-council.co.uk then my session cookies in
www.insurance4brokers.co.uk are blocked. Can someone please tell me how I
can stop them from being blocked if I go into www.county-council.co.uk
first. Also can someone explain the session cookies are blocked while whey
aren't if you have been into www.insurance4brokers.co.uk first.


Received on Monday, 26 July 2004 10:00:40 UTC