We are using the IBM P3P Generator to create a policy statement and a reference file. When we try to view the policy in the IE 6 browser we get this error message: "Unable to display the privacy policy of htttp:.//stagerrb/Default.htm due to a syntax error in its policy." Can you identify the problem from this error message? There are no errors showing up in the Error tab in the IBM Generator.
Attached is screen print of the 2 files we created, and the error message. We saved the policy as an xml rather than p3p file because the instructions said you could do that for web servers that are not configured to recognize P3P files. We aren't sure if we are configured for P3P or not.
Please note that the policy statement we created is just for practice to see if we can generate a policy and is not the one we will actually use.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
<<syntax error in policy.doc>>
Denise Gammel
Web Manager
Railroad Retirement Board
(312) 751-4671