HTML File Validation - do you need it?

Hello All,

Thanks to the archives on this list, my p3p compact policy and p3p.xml are
validating.  Thanks!  I realize you need to have both of these in working
order to be inline with Microsoft.

My question is this, do you need to have the "HTML File Validation" set in
order to have the policy work?  My understanding is that you donšt.  The W3
only requires one of the three to be valid, and MS likes you to have the
compact policy and policy reference in place.  Am I correct?  This will also
save a lot of time because, we will not have change each page on our site,
just make the modifications in apache.


Error Example:
Step 3: HTML File Validation

HTML document has no P3P compliant link tags.

Message: No valid P3P compliant <link> element. 

Received on Wednesday, 4 February 2004 17:09:31 UTC