P3P Implementation Workshop: Boston/128 Tech Corridor March 11

Attached is a .PDF of the below invitation. Please feel free to
distribute and also send people who are interested to:

P3P Implementation Workshop Series:
Boston/128 Tech Corridor

You are cordially invited to attend the fourth in a national series of
P3P Implementation Workshops, to be held in Waltham, MA on March 11. The
event is hosted by the Internet Education Foundation, in conjunction
with the Massachusetts Software and Internet Council, IBM, the Privacy
Council, and the World Wide Web Consortium. The workshop will feature a
panel discussion/workshop on private sector adoption of P3P and how to
implement P3P on your Web site.

Boston/128 Tech Corridor 
Monday, March 11, 2002 from 8:00AM-10:30AM 
IBM Campus
404 Wyman Street 
Conference Room 5A 
Waltham, MA 02454 
(781) 895-2088
(Coffee and snacks provided)

This two-hour workshop will provide chief information officers, privacy
officers, marketers and tech teams with the information they need to
understand P3P, its position within the broader consumer privacy
landscape and, most importantly, how to implement it on their company's
Web sites. 

This will include an overview of the policy issues surrounding consumer
privacy and P3P and a detailed workshop on how to implement P3P.

Implementation Panel: This panel will include industry experts on P3P
and corporate implementers of P3P to discuss the factors that need to be
taken into consideration in designing a P3P policy, p3ptoolbox.org, how
to coordinate tech and privacy personnel in implementation, and
technical details of implementing P3P. 

Invited Panelists:
Martin Pressler-Marshall, IBM
Marc Berejka, Microsoft Corp.
Steve Lucas, Privacy Council
Brendan Howard, Terra Lycos
Daniel Weitzner, World Wide Web Consortium

For more information, please visit http://www.p3ptoolbox.org/events or
call IEF at 202-638-4370 and ask to speak to Joshua Freed or Megan

Email your RSVP, including your name, company and contact information,
to: RSVP@p3ptoolbox.org.

Received on Thursday, 21 February 2002 16:21:09 UTC