Re: P3P Implementation Problems

> I would suggest that the W3C validating services, the web developers P3P
> line, have version control applied and link to documentation outlining
> changes have been made and when.

As Yuichi already said, we'll do this.

Also, FYI, part of the problem is that the P3P specification
has been a moving target. However, on January 28 P3P
became a proposed recommendation. We are in the
process of updating everything to this (hopefully) final
spec, which uses the 2002/02/P3Pv1 namespace.
Once everything is updated, we don't expect further

BTW, the W3C membership is
currently voting on the Jan 28 spec. If all
goes well, we expect P3P1.0 to be finalized
as a W3C recommendation in March.
If your company is a member of W3C, please
ask your AC representative to vote.

For the latest version of the P3P spec, see


Received on Thursday, 7 February 2002 16:29:37 UTC