
We are trying to make our server P3P compliant, and researching 
P3P we ve come across some questions. May be someone knows
the answers?

1.How could user apply APPEL ruleset to extend browsers security
preferences and is there any browsers supporting APPEL? I ve seen
P3P issues in Internet Explorer, but there was no words abt APPEL.

2. Our server is a distance learning college and the information collected
is students answsers to tests, their grades and everything like that.
Should we mention it in our policies, and if we should to what kind 
of data collected (in P3P spec) it refers?

3. There are three methods of setting up P3P - well known localtion,
link tag, HTTP headers - are they all-sufficient or they are should be
used in conjunction? 

Thank you for your assistance.

Kirill Lastovirya


Received on Monday, 12 August 2002 12:28:46 UTC