Re: [www-p3p-policy] <none>

Lars asked:

> Assume a user agent is retrieving an html entity by fetching a URI and
> a cookie is set by that html entity when it is returned by the server.
> I am curious about how many policies may potentially apply in this
> and how a user agent must determine which policy, or policies, applies.
> Reading the P3P1.0 spec, I have come to the conclusion that two separate
> policies may apply in this situation - one policy for the URI itself, and
> another policy for the cookie being set when the entity referenced by the
> URI is returned.  Is this correct?
Yes, this is correct.

> If my conclusion is correct, that two separate policies may apply, that
> would then imply that two different policy reference files may apply.  So
> second question is: must a user agent go through the same mechanisms
> (as described in section 2.2)  in order to locate the two policy
> files?
No. A single policy reference file can cover a URI and a cookie with
seperate policies.

     -- Martin

Martin Presler-Marshall - Program Manager, Privacy Technology
E-mail:     AIM: jhreingold
Phone: (919) 254-7819 (tie-line 444-7819) Fax: (919) 254-6430 (tie-line

Received on Tuesday, 18 September 2001 08:15:07 UTC