RE: IE6 Third Party Compact Policy

This is at the default setting of Medium in IE6. I am not required to make
it work higher than that, only at the default settings and below. 


-----Original Message-----
From: David Wall []
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 2:42 PM
To: Brad Metzler;
Subject: Re: IE6 Third Party Compact Policy

> I have a site, using frames with content from a third party site for all
> dynamic functionality, that relies on a cookie to maintain a session ID.
> This entire site is now 'broken' for IE6 users.

At what level is it broken?  Do you mean at HIGH security setting or at a
lower setting.  I'm having a lot of trouble, too, though I've managed to get
it to work at MEDIUM-HIGH.  Fortunately, I don't have any third party
cookies as they add an entirely new wrinkle to the complexity.

Personally, I think P3P is a bad idea.  IE6 only operates on HTTP headers,
and nobody reads those, so it seems that disreputable sites will just lie
and put in cookies that make everything seem like they don't track you at
all.  Just like they did with email headers....

P3P seems overly complex to me, and I wish they implemented it in phases so
that we could markup our sites stepwise.  It would have been nice, for
example, to say whether we share information with third parties for
marketing purposes or not -- since that's high on most people's list for
privacy.  And that's all.  It will take time for people to even hope to have
a clue on how to react to P3P statements presented to their browsers.


Received on Monday, 12 November 2001 17:54:40 UTC