Re: Inconsistency in the definition of dynamic.clickstream.clientip and its sub-elements -- category transitivity?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nikolaj Budzyn" <>
To: "Lorrie Cranor" <>; <>;
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: Inconsistency in the definition of dynamic.clickstream.clientip
and its sub-elements -- category transitivity?

> Lorrie Cranor wrote:
> > in this case the bubble upward
> > rule still applies however if you keep in mind
> > that first you replace the categories for the entire
> > data structure with the overriding category givem in
> > the example.  Does this make sense now?
> Hm. That would mean that, in the example, the
> <DATA-STRUCT name="vehicle.built.where"
>     structref="">
>     <CATEGORIES><preference/></CATEGORIES>
> assigns the <preferences/> category (and no other category)
> to any "", so
> "" is in the vehicle category and in
> no other.

Yes, this means that vehicle.built.where.ANYTHING is
in the preference category

> Now let me apply this to the "dynamic.clickstream"
> data element from the P3P base data schema.
> As it's defined like this

Ah, but there is no need to apply that to dynamic.clickstream.
Dynamic.clickstream is defined directly without inheriting
other structures that override preferences. The only reason
preference is applied to is because
the definition of vehicle.built.where specifies that we use
the postal structure but overide the category.


Received on Thursday, 12 July 2001 21:58:25 UTC