CFP: 1st Workshop on Intelligent XR: Harnessing AI for Next-Generation XR User Experiences - [Deadline Extended]

iXR - Deadline Extended!

The 1st Workshop on Intelligent XR: Harnessing AI for Next-Generation XR User Experiences (iXR)<> aims to bring together researchers interested in exploring how emerging approaches to Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be leveraged to enhance user interfaces and user interaction in XR.  This workshop will create a space where academic, government, and industry researchers can discuss their experiences and visions to continue growing the impact of AI in XR. Through a combination of position papers, in-person demonstrations, and a roundtable discussion, we aim to reach a more complete understanding of the AI+XR space and establish priorities for future research.

The workshop will be hosted at the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) 2024<> in Seattle, Washington, USA.

Important Dates

●  Submissions due: UPDATED 28 July 2024  21 July 2024
●  Author Notifications: 12 August 2024
●  Camera-Ready Manuscripts Due: 26 August 2024

This call for workshop papers aims to attract contributions addressing how AI techniques can be applied to XR user experiences. Here we consider XR to include virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, spatial computing, and related concepts.  We ask for contributions that showcase early work, such as initial analyses of user studies or experimental user interaction techniques, although position papers that summarize a range of previous projects or experiments also fall within the scope of the workshop. Papers should be between 4 and 6 pages in length and may cover one or more of the following topics (presented alphabetically):
●      Artificial intelligence, computer vision, and machine learning in XR interfaces
●      Intelligent avatars, conversational and speech interfaces
●      Context-aware XR, semantic scene understanding
●      Diversity, inclusion, equity, and ethical issues related to AI in XR
●      Ergonomics, human factors, and human-computer interaction approaches to using or understanding the use of AI in XR
●      AI-extended sensory feedback
●      Spatial computing enhanced through AI
●      Novel AI-powered user interfaces, user interaction, and visualization techniques
●      Technology acceptance and social implications of AI+XR
●      User-centered design approaches for AI+XR
●      Usability studies and human-subjects experiments of AI+XR systems
Additional topics that fit within the theme of the workshop are encouraged.  Feel free to email the workshop organizers<> if you have questions about your potential submission.
Submission Guidelines
Please submit papers through the Easy Chair System<>. Manuscripts should not be published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere. Please submit only full papers intended for review, not abstracts.

Shokoufeh Bozorgmehrian


PhD Student

Human Factors Engineering

ISE Virginia Tech

Received on Tuesday, 23 July 2024 18:31:54 UTC