- From: Nicola Mosca <nmosca@imservicelab.com>
- Date: Sat, 28 May 2011 14:21:57 +0200
- To: www-multimodal@w3.org
- Message-ID: <4DE0E8E5.4060800@imservicelab.com>
Dear all as discussed recently in the SpeechTek Europe 2011 event, i'm here to discuss about what will be very useful for having great multimodal application. As you know better than me, a multimodal application is an application that is allowing the user to interact with the application cross-channel in the same time...BUT we have some tecnical and standards limitation today to do this in a safe and clear way. I will show you an example: I have a multimodal application allowing the user to interact with voice and web channels, and i have a conceptual "call flow" similar to this: * User call the application o VUI: "Hi Bob, how can i help you?" o GUI: "some html showing a tag cloud with FAQ" * User says "i want to make an flight reservation" o VUI: "please, click on the map over your destination or just say the name of the city where do you want to go" o GUI: "some html showing a map" In this case, if the user click on the map using the GUI channel, i need to change immediately the VUI interface, but tecnically the VXML platform doesn't allow to stop the prompt (well, it depends on the bargein settings but in any case you need some ASR events to stop the prompt). My conceptual solution for this problem, will be something like this: in the VXML page (using javascript) start an AJAX HTTP request to a web page that will be return an xml response if any GUI event happends. If i get an ASR event (NoInput/NoMatch/Match) the VXML page will post result to the submit page and the VXML application will work normally. if, during the prompt (or generally, before to get any kind of ASR event) the AJAX request gets a response i will be able to throw a javascript event on the DOM structure, and here is where i think that the standard is missing: there should be some events (not necessary related to ASR recognition) capable to stop the ASR/TTS platform and force the submit of the form, even if ANY ASR events happends. What do you think about that? Regards -- Nicola Mosca *** IM Service Lab s.r.l. - www.imservicelab.com
Received on Saturday, 28 May 2011 17:25:27 UTC