[CFP] Paper deadline postponed to 24th, Aug. | ICAT 2011

The paper submission deadline has been postponed to 24th, August.

The 21st International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence

November 28-30, 2011
Osaka University, Osaka, Japan

Sponsored by Virtual Reality Society of Japan

Important dates:
 - Paper Submission Dead-line: August 24, 2011 (Postponed!!)
 - Acceptance Notification: September 30, 2011
 - ICAT 2011 Conference: November 28-30, 2011

ICAT is the oldest international conference on Virtual Reality and
Telexistence. The organizing committee cordially invites you to submit
your technical work and experimental results in Virtual Reality science
and technology to this conference.

ICAT 2011 will not only look for innovations in the VR technology itself,
but also exploring novel ways to transfer and express information and
creative ideas to the society and people. ICAT 2011 will run technical
sessions covering conventional VR areas and new emerging areas with a
lineup of plenary sessions, invited talks, tutorials, workshops and VR
technology/art exhibitions.

Over the three days of ICAT 2011 you will have opportunities to
experience the state of the art technologies in Virtual Reality and
Telexistence in technical sessions, meet old friends or make new ones,
and some more exciting events we would prepare.

About Osaka:
Since ancient times in the 7th century, Osaka has been a gathering place.
Located at the confluence of a vast web of busy river and sea routes, it
naturally grew into a flourishing economic center and became the gateway
to Japan for travelers and traders from all over Asia. It was here that
Japan first met the world.

Osaka is located at the center of west part of Japan and far away from
the epicenter and the affected nuclear power plants ? we are located
over 500 kilometers from Fukushima and at an altitude of 50 meters. We
all welcome you to attend to ICAT 2011 safely.

 - Artificial Reality / Virtual Reality
 - Teleoperation / Telexistence / Telepresence
 - Augmented Reality / Mixed Reality
 - Motion Tracking
 - Real Time Computer Simulation
 - Ubiquitous / Wearable Computing
 - Visual and Auditory Displays
 - Anthropomorphic Intelligent Robotics
 - Software Architecture for VR
 - Immersive Projection Technology
 - Tools for Modelling VR Systems
 - Haptics
 - VR Input and Output Devices
 - Evaluation of VR Techniques and Systems
 - Retro-reflective Projection Technology
 - Distributed and Collaborative VR Systems
 - Medical Visualization
 - Virtual Medicine and Health Science
 - Real-time graphic manipulation
 - Non-formal learning in Virtual Environments
 - Industrial applications
 - Serious Gaming
 - Virtual Heritage
 - Multisensory Environments and Media Art
 - Interactive Art and Entertainment
 - Human Factors of VR
 - Multimodal Human Interfaces
 - VR Interaction and Navigation Techniques
 - Artificial Life& Virtual Reality
 - Innovative Applications of VR
 - Communication with Realistic Sensations
 - Advanced Visualization and Interactivity

 - General Chair
 Haruo Takemura (Osaka University)

 - General Vice Chair:
 Hirokazu Kato (Nara Institute of Science and Technology)

 - Program Co-Chairs:
 Kiyoshi Kiyokawa (Osaka University),
 Torsten Kuhlen (RWTH Aachen University),
 Dirk Reiners (University of Louisiana)

 - Publicity Co-Chairs:
 Yuichi Itoh (Osaka University),
 Ehud Sharlin (University of Calgary),
 Sriram Subramanian (University of Bristol)

 - Local Arrangement Co-Chairs:
 Hideyuki Ando (Osaka University),
 Daisuke Iwai (Osaka University)

 - Publication Chair:
 Masataka Imura (Osaka University)

 - Financial Chair:
 Hirotake Ishii (Kyoto University)

 - Posters Chair:
 Nobuchika Sakata (Osaka University)

 - Demos Chair:
 Masayuki Kanbara (Nara Institute of Science and Technology)

*** For general information about the conference please contact:

info (at) ic-at.org

Yuichi ITOH, Ph.D. <itoh@ist.osaka-u.ac.jp>
Grad. School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University

Received on Thursday, 11 August 2011 02:09:08 UTC