- From: Vili Lehdonvirta <vili.lehdonvirta@hiit.fi>
- Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 11:26:56 +0900
- To: Vili Lehdonvirta <vili.lehdonvirta@hiit.fi>
Pervasive 2010, the Eight International Conference on Pervasive Computing, will be held 17-20 May 2010 in Helsinki, Finland. We invite researchers, students, corporate and government representatives to register now to attend the conference at a reduced rate. This "early bird" rate is available until 31 March. Register now at the following address: http://www.pervasive2010.org/registration.html Pervasive 2010 will feature researchers presenting their latest results in all areas related to architecture, design, implementation, application and evaluation of pervasive computing as it integrates into our lives. Pervasive 2010 builds on the success of previous conferences in this series held in Zurich (August 2002), in Linz/Vienna (April 2004), in Munich (May 2005), in Dublin (May 2006), Toronto (May 2007), Sydney (May 2008) and Nara (May 2009). Pervasive 2010 will include Pervasive Plaza, an exhibition including demos, videos and posters, as well as a doctoral colloquium for PhD students. For more information about the programme, venue and accommodation options, see the conference website: http://www.pervasive2010.org Join the Pervasive 2010 Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=40368516588 Critical Dates * 31 March 2010: Early bird registration ends * 1 April 2010: Late registration starts (with higher fees) * 17-20 May 2010: Conference in Helsinki, Finland We look forward to seeing you in Helsinki in May! -- Greger Lindén Pervasive 2010 Conference Manager Vili Lehdonvirta Pervasive 2010 Publicity Co-Chair http://www.pervasive2010.org
Received on Wednesday, 17 March 2010 02:27:57 UTC