- From: Tom Underhill <Tom.Underhill@microsoft.com>
- Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2010 00:13:46 +0000
- To: David Carlisle <davidc@nag.co.uk>
- CC: "www-multimodal@w3.org" <www-multimodal@w3.org>, "smwatt@gmail.com" <smwatt@gmail.com>
Thank you for your comments on the InkML Working Draft. The InkML working group has considered each of your comments and have recorded them and our responses in the InkML 1.0: Working Draft Disposition of Comments document (http://www.w3.org/2002/mmi/2010/InkML/ED-InkML-20100811/inkml-disp.xml ). A copy of each of your comments and our responses are also copied below. The latest draft of the InkML specification can be found here: http://www.w3.org/2002/mmi/2010/InkML/ED-InkML-20100811/ . The original copies of your comments made on 2006-12-14 are here: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-multimodal/2006Dec/0001.html Thank you for your input! The InkML Editors: Tom Underhill, Microsoft Stephen M. Watt, University of Western Ontario ============ Comment #84: ------------ MathML in mappings A subset of content mathml is "built in" to the mapping element if used with type="mathml" (or at least I guess that is the intention) the spec says type = "identity" | "lookup" | "affine" | "mathml" | "product" | "unknown" Contents (bind* (table | matrix | mathml:math)?) | mapping * So it appears that identity="mathml" is required for content of mathml:math and that mathml:math refers to {http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML}math but the spec doesn't actually say this (and the schema doesn't exist:-) ------------ Resolution: accepted ------------ Added an explicit statement to the spec saying "mathml" is declared as the MathML namespace for the MathML schema. ============ Comment #85: ------------ Typo, namespace There is a (presumably non normative) example which does mention the mathml namespace but it is <mapping type="mathml" m:xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> <bind source="R" variable="r"/> <bind source="OTh" variable="theta"/> <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> m:xmlns is presumably a typo for xmlns:m but that in fact the whole attribute can be deleted as no m: prefix is actually used, and the mathml namespace is introduced again on the math element. ------------ Resolution: accepted ------------ Removed the m:xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML". ============ Comment #86: ------------ Typo Also <times> should be <times/> (twice) in the example mathml mapping. ------------ Resolution: accepted ------------ Changed <times> to <times/> ============ Comment #87: ------------ Schema for MathML subset A subset of mathml is given by listing the allowed elements but no schema is given for the restricted grammar. There should be, especially as this isn't an entirely trivial restriction of the mathml schema to the specified elements as there are extra conditions, eg <list> restricted to top level. ------------ Resolution: accepted ------------ The subset of MathML to be used in <mapping> definition has been explicitly stated and there is now an inkml-mathml2-subset.xsd included by inkml.xsd that explicitly defines the subset of MathML supported by InkML. ============ Comment #88: ------------ Typo The example of mathml in the <bind> element description again has a typo in the namespace declaration <mapping xml:id="m06" type="mathml"> <bind type="setvar" target="X" variable="Q" /> <math mlns="[ http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML ]"> missing x. ------------ Resolution: accepted ------------ Changed mlns= to xmlns=. ============ Comment #99: ------------ MathML in annotations The other use of Mathml is in annotationXML where (apparently) use of arbitrary, unrestricted MathML is allowed. (although as with annotationxml in mathml, a InkML processor needn't understand the annotation) Perhaps it should (or at least could) be clarified that when "mathml" is given as an example of a possible xml annotation, that it means all of mathml, rather than the mathml restricted subset that is allowed in the mapping element. The reason for highlighting the difference is that while it's easy (or even perhaps obvious) how to say that in English, some care would need to be taken in a schema definition to allow a specific subset of mathml in one element but simultaneously to allow all mathml as part of "any foreign namespace" in annotation XML. ------------ Resolution: rejected ------------ Not necessary to clarify that MathML can appear in full inside an annotationXML block. Even InkML could appear in annotationXML. The inclusion of an XSD for InkML will help clarify this: the defintion of annotationXML is <xsd:any/>. ============ Comment #147: ------------ Request for a DTD/Schema/RelaxNG specification http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-multimodal/2006Dec/0001.html It was rather surprising to see no formal specification of the InkML markup (No DTD, XSD or Relax NG schema). We had expected that mainly to be commenting on how (a subset of) mathml was integrated into the schema, and whether any additional hooks in the mathml schema would help that integration. This plan fell at the first hurdle as there appears to be only a prose text description of the grammar. ------------ Resolution: accepted ------------ Added an Appendix containing a link to the InkML XML Schema. The inkml.xsd includes an inkml-mathml2-subset.xsd that defines the MathML2 subset supported by InkML.
Received on Monday, 30 August 2010 06:31:34 UTC