question about EmotionML

Hello Kazuyuki,

My name is Eyal Sela, I am a project manager at the Israeli Internet
association (ISOC-IL) and the Israeli W3C office.

I'm writing an aritcle for the W3C israeli website about EmotionML, and I
was wondering if you could help me with a question have:

Will EmotionML be used inline in HTML (like SVG or RDFa), or as a sperted
document (like RDF)?


Best regards, 


אייל סלע | מנהל פרויקטים, הועדה הטכנולוגית ומשרד ה-W3C הישראלי | איגוד
האינטרנט הישראלי | 03-9700910 |  <> |

Eyal Sela | Project Manager, Technology Committee & the Israeli W3C office|
Israel Internet Association (ISOC-IL) | Tel: +972-3-9700910 |


Received on Monday, 23 November 2009 12:07:32 UTC