- From: Kiyoshi Kiyokawa <kiyo@acm.org>
- Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2009 16:15:10 +0900
- To: kiyo@acm.org
[Apologies for possible multiple copies] Advance Registration is available On or Before February 10, 2009 !! -------------------------------------------------------------------- IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 2009 March 14-15, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA (in conjunction with IEEE Virtual Reality 2009) 3DUI 2009 - Call for Papers http://conferences.computer.org/3dui We invite you to participate in the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 2009. The 3DUI 2009 Symposium is the fourth international symposium focused on the topic of 3D UIs and will be held to provide an intensive exchange between industrial and academic researchers working in various 3DUI research areas and to trigger discussions among participants. It builds on successful 3DUI workshops in 2004 and 2005, as well as the IEEE 3DUI Symposiums in 2006, 2007 and 2008. The symposium will last for two days, and will be followed immediately by the IEEE VR conference. Please visit the conference web site for detailed information about the conference program, schedule, registration, accommodation and organization: Highlights ============ * Conference Program http://conferences.computer.org/3dui * Registration http://conferences.computer.org/vr/2009/IE3_registration.html Advance Registration Due: February 10, 2009 * Accomodations http://conferences.computer.org/vr/2009/IE3_accommodations.html Discounted Hotel Reservation Due: February 13, 2009 Keynote ============ "The Inner Child of 3DUI Research" Dr. Gordon Kurtenbach, Director in the Applied Research Group, Autodesk Abstract: Everyday more and more of our products, vehicles and buildings are designed with 3D digital tools. Essentially, digital prototyping has come of age, so much so that it could be considered unusual for something to be designed without a CAD tool being used at some point in the design process. Based on this success, are we done? In this talk I'll argue that there are ideas yet to explore which are compelling and intrinsically linked to research on 3DUIs that may produce research contributions that lead to both the usual increase in productivity but also feed a user's sense of joy, wonder, and satisfaction. Biography: Gordon Kurtenbach is a director in the Applied Research Group at Autodesk. The group's focus is on 3D interactive graphics with research in the areas of interaction technologies, modeling, animation and rendering. Prior to Autodesk, Gordon was a researcher at Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center and Apple Computer's Advanced Technology group. Gordon recieved his Ph.D. from University of Toronto in Computer Science and has many research publications and patents in human computer interaction. Research areas: human-computer interaction: input devices, bi-manual input, high degree of freedom input, menuing systems, UI for 3d graphics, human motor control and perception. Gord works with George Fitzmaurice, Jos Stam, and Azam Khan. Final Program ============ Saturday, March 14 09:15-09:25 Introduction K. Kiyokawa, S. Coquillart, R. Balakrishnan 09:25-10:30 Session 1: Navigation - Measuring the Effect of Gaming Experience on Virtual Environment Navigation Tasks Shamus Smith, Sam Du'Mont - A Direct Manipulation Interface for Time Navigation in Scientific Visualizations Marc Wolter, Bernd Hentschel, Irene Tedjo, Torsten Kuhlen - Tech-note: ScrutiCam Camera Manipulation Technique for 3D Objects Inspection Fabrice Decle, Martin Hachet, Pascal Guitton 10:30-11:00 Break 11:00-12:05 Session 2: Body Interaction - Virtual Multi-Tools for Hand and Tool-based Interaction with Life-size Virtual Human Agents Aaron Kotranza, Kyle Johnsen, Juan Cendan, Bayard Miller, D Scott Lind, Benjamin Lok - A Multiscale Interaction Technique for Large, High-Resolution Displays Sarah Peck, Chris North, Doug Bowman - Tech-note: Device-Free Interaction Spaces Daniel Stodle, Olga Troyanskaya, Kai Li, Otto Anshus 12:05-12:30 Posters & Demos Fast Forward 12:30-13:30 Lunch Break (provided) 13:30-15:15 Posters & Demos 15:15-15:45 Break 15:45-17:00 Session 3: Performance Analysis - Effects of Tracking Technology, Latency, and Spatial Jitter on Object Movement Robert Teather, Andriy Pavlovych, Wolfgang Stuerzlinger, Scott MacKenzie - Selection Performance Based on Classes of Bimanual Actions Amy Ulinski, Zachary Wartell, Paula Goolkasian, Evan Suma, Larry Hodges - The Influence of Input Device Characteristics on Spatial Perception in Desktop-Based 3D Applications Alexander Kulik, Jan Hochstrate, Andre Kunert, Bernd Froehlich Sunday, March 15 08:30-09:35 Session 4: Wayfinding and Locomotion - Wayfinding Techniques for Multiscale Virtual Environments Felipe Bacim de Araujo e Silva, Doug Bowman, Marcio Pinho - Arch-Explore: A Natural User Interface for Immersive Architectural Walkthroughs Gerd Bruder, Frank Steinicke, Klaus Hinrichs - Tech-note: Supporting Trailblazing in Virtual Environments Daniel Iaboni, Carolyn MacGregor 09:35-10:30 Session 5: Haptics and Multimodal - A Tactile Distribution Sensor Which Enables Stable Measurement Under High and Dynamic Stretch Hassan Alirezaei, Akihiko Nagakubo, Yasuo Kuniyoshi - Tech-note: Multimodal Feedback in 3D Target Acquisition Dalia El-Shimy, Georgios Marentakis, Jeremy Cooperstock - Tech-note: Wizard of Oz Testing of a Multimodal Experience Holger Reckter, Christian Geiger, Stephan Streuber, Jurgen Singer 10:30-11:00 Break 11:00-12:00 Keynote - The Inner Child of 3DUI Research Gordon Kurtenbach, Director in the Applied Research Group, Autodesk 12:00-13:30 Lunch Break (provided) 13:30-14:35 Session 6: Mixed Reality - Egocentric Navigation for Video Surveillance in 3D Virtual Environments Gerwin de Haan, Josef Scheuer, Raymond de Vries, Frits Post - Visual Clutter Management in Augmented Reality: Effects of Three Label Separation Methods on Spatial Judgments Stephen D. Peterson, Magnus Axholt, Matthew D. Cooper, Stephen R. Ellis - Tech-note: Spatial Interaction using Depth Camera for Miniature AR Kyungdahm Yun, Woontack Woo 14:35-14:50 Best Paper Award & Closing K. Kiyokawa, S. Coquillart, R. Balakrishnan Posters & Demos ============ - Poster: A Virtual Body for Augmented Virtuality by Chroma-Keying of Egocentric Videos Frank Steinicke, Gerd Bruder, Kai Rothaus, Klaus Hinrichs, Xiaoyi Jiang - Poster: Interscopic Multi-Touch Surfaces- Using bimanual Interaction for intuitive Manipulation of Spatial Data Johannes Schoning, Frank Steinicke, Antonio Kruger, Klaus Hinrichs - Poster: Shake Menus: Towards Activation and Placement Techniques for Prop-Based 3D Graphical Menus Sean White, David Feng, Steven Feiner - Poster: Collaboration Data Exploration Using Two Navigation Strategies Omar Gomez, Helmuth Trefftz, Pierre Boulanger, Walter F. Bischof - Poster: MR Telepresence System with Inertial Force Sensation Using a Motion Platform and an Immersive Display Maiya Hori, Masayuki Kanbara, Naokazu Yokoya - Poster: Vibration as a Wayfinding Aid Camilo Perez, Pablo Figueroa - Poster: Evaluation of a Cup-shaped Interface in Tabletop AR Environments Seiko Myojin, Hirokazu Kato, Shogo Nishida - Poster: Evaluation of Menu Techniques Using a 3D Game Input Device Dustin Chertoff, Ross Byers, Joseph LaViola - Poster: RealDance An Exploration of 3D Spatial Interfaces for Dancing Games Emiko Charbonneau, Andrew Miller, Chadwick Wingrave, Joseph Laviola - Poster: A Hybrid Direct Visual Editing Method for Architectural Massing Study in Virtual Environments Jian Chen, Doug A. Bowman - Poster: Teaching Letter Writing using a Programmable Haptic Device Interface for Children with Handwriting Difficulties Younhee Kim, Zoran Duric, Naomi Lynn Gerber, Arthur R. Palsbo, Susan E. Palsbo - Poster: Spatially Augmented Tape Drawing Stefanie Zollmann, Tobias Langlotz - Poster: A Virtual Walkthrough System with a Wide Field-of-view Stereo Head Mounted Projective Display Natsuki Takeda, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Haruo Takemura - Poster: Design and Evaluation of 3D Content with Wind Output Anke Lehmann, Christian Geiger, Bjorn Woldecke, Jorg Stocklein - Poster: MVCE - A Design Pattern to Guide the Development of Next Generation User Interfaces Jorg Stocklein, Christian Geiger, Volker Paelke, Patrick Pogscheba - Poster: Updating an Obsolete Trainer using Passive Haptics and Pressure Sensors Malachi Wurpts - Demo: Teaching Letter Writing using a Programmable Haptic Device Interface for Children with Handwriting Difficulties Younhee Kim, Zoran Duric, Naomi Lynn Gerber, Arthur R. Palsbo, Susan E. Palsbo - Demo: The Globefish - a 3D Motion Controller Alexander Kulik, Jan Hochstrate, Andre Kunert, Bernd Froehlich Symposium Chairs ============ Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Osaka University, Japan Sabine Coquillart, INRIA, France Ravin Balakrishnan, University of Toronto, Canada Program Committee ============== Hrvoje Benko, Microsoft Research, USA Roland Blach, Fraunhofer IAO, Germany Pierre Dragicevic, INRIA, France Bernd Froehlich, University of Weimar, Germany Tovi Grossman, Autodesk, Canada Martin Hachet, INRIA, France Matthias Harders, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Michitaka Hirose, The University of Tokyo, Japan Pourang Irani, University of Manitoba, Canada Dan Keefe, University of Minnesota, USA Ernst Kruijff, TU Graz, Austria Celine Latulipe, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA Joe LaViola, Brown University, USA Robert van Liere, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Netherlands Marcio Pinho, PUCRS, Brazil Mary Whitton, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA Chad Wingrave, University of Central Florida, USA Hiroaki Yano, University of Tsukuba, Japan Posters Chairs ========== Raimund Dachselt, University of Magdeburg, Germany Pablo Figueroa, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia Raphael Grasset, HITLabNZ, New Zealand Demo Chairs ========== Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Osaka University, Japan Sabine Coquillart, INRIA, France Ravin Balakrishnan, University of Toronto, Canada Laura Monroe, Los Alamos National Laboratories Ed Lantz, Vortex Immersion Moonho Park, Samsung Simon Richir, Laval Virtual Diane Favro, University of California, Los Angeles Andreas Gerndt, German Aerospace Center (DLR) -- ---- Kiyoshi KIYOKAWA, Ph.D. <kiyo@acm.org> Cybermedia Center, Osaka University Toyonaka Educational Research Center 517 1-32 Machikaneyama, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043, Japan Tel: +81-6-6850-6821 / Fax: +81-6-6850-6829 (PGP FP: A314 67B6 C1B2 7016 2C43 CF6C 3456 0225 3CD7 7AB7)
Received on Friday, 6 February 2009 07:15:51 UTC