- From: Masahiro Araki <araki@kit.jp>
- Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2008 22:19:44 +0900
- To: www-multimodal@w3c.org
Dear colleague, Here is testimonial for EMMA 1.0 from Kyoto Institute of Technology. ----------------------------------- Kyoto Institute of Technology (KIT) strongly supports the Extensible MultiModal Annotation 1.0 (EMMA) specification. We have been using EMMA within our multimodal human-robot interaction system. EMMA documents are dynamically generated by (1) the Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) component and (2) the Face Detection/Behavior Recognition component in our implementation. In addition, the Information Technology Standards Commission of Japan (ITSCJ), which includes KIT as a member, also has a plan to use EMMA as a data format for their own multimodal interaction architecture specification. ITSCJ believes EMMA is very useful for both uni-modal recognition component, e.g., ASR, and multimodal integration component, e.g., speech with pointing gesture. ----------------------------------- Best regards, -- Masahiro Araki (Dr.) araki@kit.jp Interactive Intelligence lab. Department of Information Science Graduate School of Science and Technology Kyoto Institute of Technology TEL: 075-724-7473 FAX: 075-724-7400
Received on Thursday, 30 October 2008 13:20:34 UTC