- From: Artur R. Lugmayr <artur.lugmayr@tut.fi>
- Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2008 22:03:59 +0300
- To: "Artur R. Lugmayr" <artur.lugmayr@tut.fi>
FYI: > Call for Papers due to November, 1st 2008 > > Security and Usability (SECUSAB09) > > Workshop in the context of The Forth International Conference on > Availability, Reliability and Security (AReS 2009), March, 16th – > March, 19th 2009, Fukuoka, Japan http://www.ares-conference.eu > > Authors are invited to submit research and application papers having 6 > pages following the IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscripts > style: > two columns, single-spaced, including figures and references, using 10 > fonts, and number each page. The work must represent original, > previously unpublished work. Submitted papers will be carefully > evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and > clarity of exposition. Contact author must provide the following > information at the ARES web site: paper title, authors' names, > affiliations, postal address, phone, fax, and e-mail address of the > author(s), about 200-250 word abstract, and about five keywords (not > key sentences ;-). Submission of a paper implies that should the paper > be accepted, at least one of the authors will register and present the > paper in the conference. Accepted papers will be given guidelines in > preparing and submitting the final manuscript(s) together with the > notification of acceptance. > > Organized by > > Andreas HOLZINGER, Research Unit HCI4MED, Institute of med. > Informatics, > Statistics and Documentation, Medical University Graz, AT (Program > Chair) > Artur (Arturri) LUGMAYR, Digital Media Institute DMI, Tampere > University > of Technology, FI (Organization Chair) > Marilyn Sue BOGNER, ISME Bethesda, US > > The central aim of this workshop is to make aware of usability and > human > issues in the context of availability, reliability and security, > because > Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Usability Engineering (UE) > traditionally play a limited role in secure systems development, > especially in safe-critical areas including medicine, health care, > aviation etc. > > However, there is increasing insight amongst engineers that security > problems can be solved only by addressing issues of usability and human > factors. Increasingly, well-publicized security breaches are attributed > to human errors that might have been prevented through more usable > software. The study of attention, motivation, learning, reasoning, > acceptance and end-user behavior addresses important issues for secure > applications, > but it is essential that these topics are integrated into engineering > at > systemic level. > > Topics should include, but are not limited to: > > + Usability and Security with attention to User Centred Design; > + Error detection and recovery from errors; > + Techniques for Identification and Authentification of end-users; > + Usability, Privacy and Anonymity and models of trust; > + Secure Systems and User Experience; > + End-user motivation and incentives for secure behavior; > + Human perception of security and cognitive information processing; > + Individual and cultural differences; diverse end-users; > + Information seeking and evaluation and mental models; > + Usability and Security in judgment and decision support; > + Learning, training, and experience of Security and Usability; > + Organizational, group, and individual behavior with secure systems; > + Risk perception, risk analysis, and risk communication > + Security behavior study methodologies; > + Social influences and persuasion; > > The aim of this workshop is to further stimulate the awareness that we > need to design and develop secure systems that untrained people can > actually use - therefore we need to bring together experts from > Psychology, Pedagogy and Computer Science. > > Workshop Program committee (preliminary): > > Patricia A. ABBOTT-FRIEDMAN, Johns Hopkins University, US > Ray ADAMS, Middlesex University London and Cambridge University, UK > Henning Boje ANDERSEN, Risoe National Laboratory, Danish Technical > University, Roskilde, DK > Sheikh Iqbal AHAMED, Marquette University, US > Noelle CARBONELL, Université Henri Poincare Nancy, FR > Tiziana CATARCI, Università di Roma La Sapienza, IT > Luca CHITTARO, University of Udine, IT > Lorrie Faith CRANOR, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, US > Matjaz DEBEVC, University of Maribor, SI > Alan DIX, Lancaster University, UK > Pier Luigi EMILIANI, National Research Council, Florence, IT > Regina GEIERHOFER, Siemens Health Care, Erlangen, DE > Timo HONKELA, Helsinki University of Technology, FI > Bin HU, Birmingham City University, UK > Bo HU, University of Southampton, UK > Ebba P. HVANNBERG, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, IS > Julie JACKO, Georgia Institute of Technology, US > Chris JOHNSON, University of Glasgow, UK > Homa JAVAHERY, Concordia University, Montreal, CA > Zhengjie LIU, Dalian Maritime University, CN > ZongKai LIN, Chinese Academy of Science, Peking, CN > Shogo NISHIDA, Osaka University, JP > Hiromu NISHITANI, University of Tokushima, JP > Nuno J NUNES, University of Madeira, PT > Anne-Sophie NYSSEN, Université de Liege, BE > Ant A OZOK, University of Maryland Baltimore County UMBC, Baltimore, US > Philipe PALANQUE, Université Toulouse, FR > Helen PETRIE, University of York, UK > Margit POHL, Vienna University of Technology, TU Wien, AT > Karen V. RENAUD, University of Glasgow, UK > Anthony SAVIDIS, ICS FORTH, Heraklion, GR > Albrecht SCHMIDT, University of Duisburg-Essen, DE > Ahmed SEFFAH, Concordia University, Montreal, CA > Yuanchun SHI, Tsinghua University, Beijing, CN > Klaus-Martin SIMONIC, Medical University Graz, AT > Hironomu TAKAGI, Tokyo Research Laboratory, IBM Research, JP > A Min TJOA, Vienna University of Technology, TU Wien, AT > Jeff YAN, University of Newcastle, UK > > http://hci4all.at/SECUSAB09.html > > Stichwörter: Decision Support, Human Error, Human-Computer Interaction, > risk analysis, Security, Usability, User Experience > > Kategorie: Informatik
Received on Sunday, 19 October 2008 19:04:56 UTC