Re: SVG as a multimodal modality component

Dear Deborah and Colleagues,
Have a look at the "Dynamic XHTML+Voice with SVG" page,  made by 
Alexandre Alapetite in 2006.

Best regards,
Jose Rouillard


Deborah Dahl a écrit :
> Dear SVG,
> During the TPAC, the Multimodal Interaction Working Group and the SVG
> Working
> Group had a joint meeting to discuss possible points of collaboration. One
> of
> the most interesting ideas was to explore how SVG could be used as a
> Modality
> Component in the Multimodal Architecture [1]. A Modality Component
> encapsulates
> modality-specific capabilities (for example, speech recognition, graphical
> display,
> or handwriting recognition) in a multimodal application. It communicates 
> information back and forth to an overall controller, the Interaction
> Manager,
> through a well-defined set of asynchronous events, the life cycle events.  
> In the most recent version of the Multimodal Architecture, we've included a 
> set of rules and guidelines for defining Modality Components, using face
> recognition as an example (Appendix F). It seemed worth looking at how 
> SVG could function as a Modality Component in an MMI application. This could
> lead to interesting applications like voice control of SVG graphics using
> commands like "make the text bigger", or "pause the animation", or combined
> voice and pointing control of graphics with commands like "put a red square
> here", accompanied by a mouse click. 
> The MMI Working Group would very much welcome the SVG Working Group's
> feedback
> on the suitability of the rules in Appendix F for defining a SVG-based
> modality component. Please send any feedback to the MMI public list,
> best regards,
> Debbie Dahl
> MMIWG Chair
> [1] MMI Architecture and Interfaces:


Jose Rouillard
Maître de Conférences en Informatique
LIFL (Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale de Lille)
Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille
Bâtiment M3 extension
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cédex - FRANCE
Tel :
e-mail : jose point rouillard arobase univ-lille1 point fr
"Talk is cheap. Show me the code." - Linus Torvalds

Received on Thursday, 6 November 2008 15:57:42 UTC