[EMMA] PFWG comments on EMMA 2nd Last Call

Dear MMI WG:

This is in response to your second Last Call for EMMA [1].

It also wraps up our comments on the first Last Call where
we failed to respond to your response [2] to our comments [3].

We see no defects that should delay the advance of EMMA
in this draft.

We remain concerned about the functionality that has been
deferred to the Interaction Manager.  I will be working with
your Chair so we can develop these ideas cooperatively.

/chair, PFWG [4].

[1] Second EMMA LC:

[2] First EMMA LC comments:

[3] MMI WG responses:

[4] PFWG decision (Member-only link):

Received on Wednesday, 18 April 2007 20:40:59 UTC