Dynamic Properties Framework (DPF) Last Call Working Draft

Hi www-multimodal,

The W3C Multimodal Working Group is glad to announce the publication
of the Dynamic Properties Framework (DPF) Last Call Working Draft.


People are encouraged to send their Last Call comments on this working
draft before 10 January 2005. DPF was previously published under the
name "System and Environment Framework".


This document defines platform and language neutral interfaces that
provide Web applications with access to a hierarchy of dynamic
properties representing device capabilities, configurations, user
preferences and environmental conditions.

( For a quick understanding of what this spec is about, see the
examples at http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-DPF-20041122/#A2 )

Max Froumentin
for the MMIWG

Received on Tuesday, 23 November 2004 10:38:38 UTC