- From: <BusinessMarketing@NeedPostcards.com>
- Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2003 03:02:47 -0400
- To: <www-multimodal@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <0ca801c399fc$d4b20270$0200a8c0@MARXMEN>
<http://www.mentalmarxmen.com/email-images/emailtopbnr.jpg> <http://www.mentalmarxmen.com/email-images/emailtopbnr-side.jpg> Home <http://www.needpostcards.com/postcard_printing/postcard_printing.html> : About <http://www.needpostcards.com/html/about.html> : Instant Quote <http://www.needpostcards.com/postcard_printing/postcard_printing.html> : Postcards <http://www.needpostcards.com/postcard_printing/postcard_printing.html> : Direct Mail <http://www.needpostcards.com/postcard_printing/postcard_directmail.html > : Order Now <http://www.needpostcards.com/postcard_printing/postcard_printing.html> <http://www.mentalmarxmen.com/email-images/emailsidebnr-spacer.gif> NeedPostcards.com is proud to be the best online source for Postcard Printing and Direct Mail Services. We have a large selection of printing sizes and options to fit your needs. We also have the cheapest prices for the highest quality printing with a super quick turnaround! There are benefits to printing with us. We offer the lowest prices and then we discount those already low prices! But let's quit all the talking and get down to our unbeatable prices! You have been selected to receive our special discounted prices! USE YOUR PROMOTIONAL CODE: NP2228 Our High Quality Postcards are: - Two-Sided - Full Color Both Sides - Thick 10pt. cover stock 5,000 - 4.25"x6" Postcards for just $190.00 5,000 - 6"x9" Jumbo Postcards for just $375.00 5,000 - 3.5"x2" Business Cards for just $100.00 5,000 - 8.5"x11" Tri-fold Brochures for just $775.00 *prices good until October 31, 2003 with your promotional code entry *design and shipping not included *if you need something other than these pieces get an instant quote here <http://www.needpostcards.com/postcard_printing/postcard_printing.html> ________________ ____________________________ _____featured article 10 Steps to a Successful Postcard Marketing Campaign It doesnt take a lot of time, money or effort to create, print and mail a postcard. But when done right, a postcard can be enormously effective. The most effective postcard marketing campaign has these 10 traits: 1. Identify your best customers or target market Look for the people who bought from you most recently, most often, and who spent the most money. In trade lingo, this is called RFM: Recency, Frequency and Monetary Value. Target markets or industries who you can offer great incentives and prices. 2. One thing dominates the page When you look at a well-designed page, there is usually one dominant feature to catch your eye. It could be the headline or the picture, but not both. Something has to dominate. And while it might be tempting to throw in a little starburst that says One Week Only, be careful how you use it. When you emphasize everything, you emphasize nothing. 3. Make an offer You have to give people on that list a reason to do business with you. Or better yet, a reason to do business with you now. Discounts and sales are among the most common offers because they steer business your way that might otherwise go to competitors. But anyone can have a sale. Make it a private sale only for people on your mailing list and you gain loyalty and sales. If your business thrives on repeat customers, a well-timed reminder is as much customer service as it is a traffic builder. 4. Highlight the offer To professional mailers its the oldest trick in the envelope: a discount, free gift or rebate. So powerful is a good offer that very often it appears in the headline of the letter. Also, make sure the offer has an expiration date. Time and again, its been proven that more people respond to an offer when theres a limit on the amount of time they have to do so. 5. Clear and visible call-to-action and contact information You got the readers attention and guided them through enough information. You aroused their interest and desire. Now you have to let your readers know whom to buy it from and how. Make it easy on the eye, but hard to ignore. Tell people what you want them to do. Dont say On Sale This Week. Say Come in for These Specials - This Week Only. And then give them your contact information so they can get it. 6. Make the postcards measurable A postcard can also be a coupon, a gift certificate, or a ticket to an event. Ask people to present the coupon to take advantage of an offer or promotion. Counting coupons helps you measure the effectiveness of your promotions. That way you can better understand what worked. 7. Give printers time The old saying, speed-quality-price, pick any two, is equally true in the printing business. If youre working with a printing company, give the finished piece to your printer well before you plan to mail it. This will give the printer time to do the job right and may save you money on rush charges. 8. Change the size and shape So youve always sent the same 4" x 6" postcard and its always gotten respectable results. Test a 6" x 9," and see if it catches people off guard and sticks out from the bunch. You can also try custom shapes. A real estate agent might try a postcard in the shape of a house. A moving company could try a postcard in the shape of a truck. The USPS is now allowing this new form of postcard marketing. 9. Print the postcards on both sides Your postcard has two sides. Use them. That doesnt mean fill every inch. You can put an ad on one side and a personal message on the other. 10. Proofread before printing When you have everything together and are ready to print, proofread the piece. Then ask someone else to proofread it. Dont forget to proofread those things you see all the time, like your name, address and phone number. After all, you dont want to go to the expense of printing something that you cant use because of a mistake. <http://www.mentalmarxmen.com/email-images/emailsidebnr.jpg> also specializing in: Brochures Rackcards Door Hangers Posters Stickers Die Cuts Tickets Direct Mail Search Engine Opt. Web Site Design to unsubscribe reply to this email with subject: "REMOVE"
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