- From: Shires, Glen <glen.shires@intel.com>
- Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2003 18:47:10 -0400
- To: <www-multimodal@w3.org>
Here are some comments from the SALT Forum on the EMMA Working Draft at http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-emma-20030811/. In SALT, speech recognition results are represented in an XML result format. We hope that, once EMMA becomes a Recommendation, the SALT Forum will be able to consider EMMA with a view to recommending it as the standard result format for SALT environments. 1) First of all we would like to congratulate the EMMA team for producing a well thought-out specification. EMMA includes standard annotations for the main features of a speech recognition result that we believe will be most useful in applications, notably: - emma:tokens (for the spoken words of an utterance) - emma:confidence (for the recognizer's confidence in an utterance) - emma:one-of (for N-Best alternates). 2) We believe the syntax which places annotations inline in the interpretation (Syntax 1 in the Introduction) is clean and compact and we strongly support this format of annotation. 3) We have serious concerns about using the RDF syntax, notably: i) increased verbosity ii) difficulty/non-determinism of structural queries such as XPath iii) extra query mechanism for application authors to learn. These points are explained and illustrated below. 3.1) increased verbosity of EMMA documents All the samples in the spec show that the inline syntax is more compact. For applications where EMMA is expected to contain many annotations, the divergence will be significant and likely to impact performance. 3.2) difficulty of querying RDF annotations in non-RDF environments In SALT, as in many other XML environments, access to XML data such as recognition results is through XPath queries on the XML structure of the document. But if EMMA were to adopt the RDF syntax, such structural queries would not only be more difficult to author, they would be non-deterministic. In illustration of this point, we have converted an example from the SALT spec into the different EMMA syntaxes. These are reproduced at the foot of this message. The original NLSML from the SALT spec is at [1]. The inline EMMA variant is at [2] and the RDF EMMA variant is at [3]. The binding query in the inline case is simple and transparent: <salt:bind targetelement="txtBoxDest" value="//dest_city" test="//dest_city[@confidence > 0.4]" /> The bind query in the RDF case is more complex. To query a confidence score, the test has to look for the "rdf:Description" node which is both (a) about the semantic value in question, and (b) holds the correct annotation on which the test is based: <salt:bind targetelement="txtBoxDest" value="//dest_city" test="//rdf:Description[@rdf:about='#emma(id(\'int1\')/dest_city)' && @emma:confidence > 0.4]" /> This complexity applies beyond just conditional test attributes: it applies to any binding statement which requires access to the annotation. So when copying the confidence score into an HTML field, the bind query is something like: <salt:bind targetelement="txtConfidence" value="//rdf:Description[@rdf:about= '#emma(id(\'int1\')/dest_city)']/@emma:confidence" /> Similar concerns apply when the EMMA result is handled in script -- the XML DOM navigation necessary to find the correct annotation would be similarly complicated, unless the EMMA environment were to implement both (a) an RDF processor, and (b) the emma() mechanism to support the XPointer-derived query module (Section This appears to be a considerable implentational burden. Secondly, the annotations of a single EMMA document can be represented in a number of different ways in the RDFsyntax. For example, the annotation: <rdf:Description rdf:about="#emma(id('int1')/dest_city)" emma:confidence="0.35" /> could equally be expressed: <rdf:Description rdf:about="#emma(//emma:interpretation/dest_city)" emma: confidence="0.35" /> This renders XPath queries non-deterministic, since a different binding query to [2] would be required: <salt:bind targetelement="txtBoxDest" value="//dest_city" test="//rdf:Description[@rdf:about='#emma(//emma:interpretation/dest_cit y )' && @emma:confidence > 0.4]" /> Given that the application author may not know the preferences of the grammar writer/recognition engine in constructing the annotational tree, XPath queries on annotations in an EMMA RDF document are effectively hit-and-miss. 3.3) Since, in either syntax, access to the instance data within the interpretation is expected to be via a structural query such as XPath, the introduction of a different mechanism for annotation data means that the application author has to learn the new access mechanism. In summary, EMMA in RDF would not be usable in SALT or other XPath environments. We do not believe that the value added by RDF outweighs the cost of implementing RDF. The costs we have noted are in the implementation of the EMMA environment, the performance of EMMA systems, and the burden on the application author. Glen Shires, Chair, SALT Forum Technical Working Group on behalf of the SALT Forum (http://www.saltforum.org/members/members.asp) ================= [1] Example (from section of the SALT spec.) The original NLSML example and corresponding SALT bind: <result grammar="http://flight" xmlns:xf="http://www.w3.org/2000/xforms"> <interpretation confidence="0.4"> <input mode="speech"> I'd like to travel from Seattle to Boston </input> <xf:instance> <airline> <origin_city confidence="0.45">Seattle</origin_city> <dest_city confidence="0.35">Boston</dest_city> </airline> </xf:instance> </interpretation> </result> <salt:bind targetelement="txtBoxDest" value="//dest_city" test="//dest_city[@confidence > 0.4]" /> [2] Corresponding EMMA (inline) document and <bind> <emma:emma emma:version="1.0" xmlns:emma="http://www.w3.org/2003/04/emma#"> <emma:interpretation emma:process="http://flight" emma:confidence="0.4" emma:tokens="I'd like to travel from Seattle to Boston"> <airline> <origin_city emma:confidence="0.45">Seattle</origin_city> <dest_city emma:confidence="0.35">Boston</dest_city> </airline> </emma:interpretation> </emma:emma> <salt:bind targetelement="txtBoxDest" value="//dest_city" test="//dest_city[@emma:confidence > 0.4]" /> [3] Corresponding EMMA (RDF) document and <bind> <emma:emma emma:version="1.0" xmlns:emma="http://www.w3.org/2003/04/emma#" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"> <emma:interpretation emma:id="int1"> <airline> <origin_city>Seattle</origin_city> <dest_city>Boston</dest_city> </airline> </emma:interpretation> <rdf:Description rdf:about="#int1" emma:process="http://flight" emma:tokens="I'd like to travel from Seattle to Boston" emma:confidence="0.4" /> <rdf:Description rdf:about="#emma(id('int1')/origin_city)" emma:confidence="0. 45" /> <rdf:Description rdf:about="#emma(id('int1')/dest_city)" emma:confidence="0.35" /> </emma:emma> <salt:bind targetelement="txtBoxDest" value="//dest_city" test="//rdf:Description[@rdf:about='#emma(id(\'int1\')/dest_city)' && @emma:confidence > 0.4]" />
Received on Thursday, 2 October 2003 11:57:05 UTC