Re: multimodal tools web cast April 2nd

Hello Brian,

"Brian Graham" <> wrote:

> Voice Web Solutions will be showcasing our multimodal tool via a web cast on
> April 2nd 2003.

Please refrain from sending commercial announcements to The charter of the list is to "discuss the
activities of the W3C Multimodal Interaction Working Group. Therefore,
appropriate topics for this list include questions and feedback about
the specifications, technical proposals, discussions, and announcement
of academic conferences. Inappropriate material includes commercial
advertisements and announcements that are not relevant to the
immediate activities of the working group (e.g., questions about
particular implementations and products, trade shows, or books.)"
I'm afraid your announcement fall into the latter category.


W3C staff contact for the Multimodal Interaction Working Group

Received on Thursday, 20 March 2003 04:31:10 UTC