Re: Announcement: Multicast WWW (MCWWW) BOF at Memphis IETF

> > From Thu Apr  3 17:59:55 1997
> > 
> > In mWeb I have solved this by letting the local mcast receiver relay the 
> > info to the browser to a local web/server (built into the mWeb application). 
> > This works well if the "codebase" is relative to the web-page and not absolute.
> Please, let me know why "codebase" is relative and not absolute?
> Is it a java problem? What is your analyze?

Yes, it is a Java-applet-security problem. An applet can only load classes 
from the same server that the HTML-page that contained the applet was loaded 

In mWeb I fake all requests through a local HTTP-server that requests the 
missing class-files using multicasting (if not already available localy 
ofcourse) and hands back that information to the local browser. One mWeb 
application is run localy at each receiver.


Ps. Sorry for the long delay in answering. Ds. 


Received on Sunday, 20 April 1997 14:04:40 UTC