Mobile Ajax Workshop, Sep. 28 in Mountain View, CA

The W3C and the OpenAjax Alliance are co-organizing a workshop on
Mobile Ajax, to take place on September 28 at the Microsoft campus
in Mountain View, California:

There is no fee to attend, and W3C membership is not required in
order to participate in the Workshop. But to be eligible to
attend, you must submit a short position paper by August 15; the
workshop program committee will consider your paper for
acceptance; if it is accepted, you will be invited to attend.

Prior to submitting a position paper, you are strongly encouraged
to send an e-mail message to the organizers as an "expression of
interest". That message need only be one paragraph stating:

 - that a representative from your organization plans to submit a
   position paper
 - whether you want to send one or two participants
 - whether or not you wish to make a presentation

E-mail that to:

Note that the program chairs are Daniel Appelquist (Vodafone) and
Jon Ferraiolo (IBM, OpenAjax Alliance), and the current members of
the program committee include:

  - Ajit Jaokar (OpenGardens)
  - Art Barstow (Nokia/W3C Web Applications Formats chair)
  - Charles McCathieNevile (Opera/W3C Web API chair)
  - Charles Wiles (Google)
  - Philipp Hoschka (W3C Mobile Web Initiative)
  - Rhys Lewis (Volantis/W3C Technical Architecture Group)
  - Rotan Hanrahan (MobileAware/W3C Device Description chair)
  - Seung-Yun Lee (ETRI/W3C Korea)
  - Sunil Ravipati (Livescribe)

And also note that this workshop is timed to coincide with the
AjaxWorld West 2007 conference, which will take place in Santa
Clara on 24-26 September.


Michael(tm) Smith

Received on Tuesday, 10 July 2007 13:45:49 UTC