Re: Proposal: Values for UAProf properties schrieb:
> > > The UAProf Schemas don't define SecuritySupport as a bag - it is a
> > > single Property.
> >
> > No, in UAProf 20011020-a it is a bag.
> Where is that specified? This is an excerpt from the actual schema
> (
> <rdf:Description ID="SecuritySupport">
> <rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
> <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#NetworkCharacteristics" />
> <rdfs:comment>Description: Type of security or encryption mechanism
> supported. Type: Literal Resolution: Locked Example:
> "PPTP"</rdfs:comment>
> </rdf:Description>

From "WAP-248-UAPROF-20011020-a, Version 20 October 2001"

Page 53:
Appendix A. User Agent Profile Schema
This section is normative.

Page 62:
<rdf:Description ID="SecuritySupport">
  <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
  <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#NetworkCharacteristics"/>
Description: List of types of security or encryption mechanisms
supported by the device.
Type: Literal (bag)
Resolution: Locked
Example: "WTLS-1", WTLS-2", "WTLS-3", "signText", "PPTP"

Johannes Koch  . IT Developer
Pixelpark AG   .
Rotherstraße 8 . 10245 Berlin  .  Germany
phone: +49 30 5058 - 1288  .  fax: - 1355

Received on Wednesday, 29 May 2002 09:34:33 UTC