Re: Proposal: Values for UAProf properties

Vidhya Gholkar schrieb:
> Hi Johannes,
> If you want to make a proposal for updating the UAProf specification and
> you are a member of the WAP forum, I strongly recommend that you make a
> Change Recommendation to the WAP forum's uaprof list
> '', attend a Wireless Application Group
> meeting and get it pushed through.

I don't want to get something 'pushed through'. I want some discussion
about it.

> Vidhya
> p.s. small comment, if the browser support XHTML Mobile mobile profiles
> it supports all of its modules. There is a different W3C mechanism for
> recognising which XHTML modules are supported and which aren't - this is
> the document profile. As a personal opinion, UAProf is unlikely to
> duplicate that; it is more likely to be streamlined in support of things
> like document profiles.

Yes, if the profile is mentioned in XhtmlVersion, it's much easier.
Johannes Koch  . IT Developer
Pixelpark AG   .
Rotherstraße 8 . 10245 Berlin  .  Germany
phone: +49 30 5058 - 1288  .  fax: - 1355

Received on Wednesday, 29 May 2002 08:03:02 UTC