- From: Kazuhiro Kitagawa <kaz@w3.org>
- Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 23:51:08 +0900
- To: <www-mobile@w3.org>, <w3c-ccpp-wg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <B9396C6C.B21%kaz@w3.org>
------ Forwarded Message ------ From: "Tayeb Lemlouma" <Tayeb.Lemlouma@inrialpes.fr> Organization: INRIA Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 04:08:44 -0400 (EDT) To: "Butler, Mark" <Mark_Butler@hplb.hpl.hp.com> Cc: <www-mobile@w3.org>, <w3c-ccpp-wg@w3.org> Subject: [Moderator Action] Re: Issues and future work for CC/PP (Hi again, I think that my last mail wasn't well formatted, I'm sorry. I'm trying here to re-send it again in a legible format, I hope this will work) Here are some CC/PP issues that we propose. First, I think that there is a large consensus between a majority of developers and people who work with CC/PP on the simplification of the actual CC/PP. A simplified format of CC/PP will facilitate profiles parsing, handling, validation and will ensures many performance gains. When we talk about CC/PP simplification we have two directions: leaving RDF or keeping RDF (the model) and using it in a good manner. As I said in the beginning of this discussion, the problem is not in the RDF ‘the model’ but in the ‘adopted XML serialization’. The current RDF serialization is complicated and hard to handle especially in the CC/PP context where clients and networks are subject of many limitations and constraints if compared to the classical environments. To simplify I’ll take the same example taken by Mark, but I prefer to begin with the figure 2-2.a rather than 2-2.b of the working draft. Well, let’s examine the terminal software component in our natural language. According to the graphical presentation of the profile, the client uses a ‘software platform’ having the name of ‘EPC’. The ‘version’ of the platform is ‘2.0’ and the ‘vendor name’ of the OS is ‘Symbian’. Now, let’s speaking a little RDF for our profile: - The described component is the ‘Terminal Software’, - Given properties concerns the RDF resource of the type: ‘SoftwarePlatform’, - The name of the SoftwarePlatform is ‘EPOC’, - The version of the SoftwarePlatform is ‘2.0’, - The vendor of the SoftwarePlatform is ‘Symbian’. - Other information can also be given: TerminalSoftware, SoftwarePlatform, name, version, vendor definition can be found in the RDF schema identified by the corresponding namespaces. Well, until now we speak about the same thing in a well understood language (I hope!:) ). Now let’s take a look on how the precedent information are expressed using the adopted RDF serialization. Here is the software part of the profile, as it’s given in fig 2-2.b of the WD (with namespaces). <ccpp:component> <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.example.com/schema#TerminalSoftware"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://www.example.com/schema#SoftwarePlatform"/> <ex:name>EPOC</ex:name> <ex:version>2.0</ex:version> <ex:vendor>Symbian</ex:vendor> </rdf:Description> </ccpp:component> And here a simple XML form of the software component (I take the same proposed by Mark) <prf:SoftwarePlatform> <prf:name>EPOC</prf:name> <prf:version>2.0</prf:version> <prf:vendor>Symbian</prf:vendor> </prf:SoftwarePlatform> Here are some important points that arise when comparing the two approaches (using RDF and using a simple XML form of profiles) Performance: The precedent component sizes are respectively: 281 char and 132 char (only required space are counted), which gives a size gain of 149 char. So we can imagine the gain of the global profile when using a simple XML format. The problem of profile size is addressed especially when we talk about profiles transmission over slow networks and less from the storage point of view. In this context, many other solutions exit such as using compressed form of XML (see the binary XML content format specification) or using URIs (see the CC/PP exchange protocol using HTTP Extension), etc. Parsing: I agree that parsing a simple XML format is more easy than parsing RDF, and I understand some people who find that tools to parse RDF are not sufficient. It’s also clear that XSLT parse RDF (since RDF is XML) but less easy than XML. But the problem here is due directly to the adopted XML serialization of RDF in CC/PP. Validation: Defining XML schemata for the sued vocabularies inside CC/PP profiles, will be of a high benefit to validate the syntax of the profiles. CC/PP ‘Syntactic’ validation can not be ensured using RDF schemata this is why XML syntactic validation must be enabled in CC/PP. Semantic: The major problem of leaving RDF is to ignore the meaning or the semantic axes of CC/PP profiles. Adopting pure XML for CC/PP will be good from the point of view validation and parsing which is only related to the syntax dimension of CC/PP profiles. If we take the above example (RDF and XML form of the software component), the XML form lists the different component attributes identified by a namespaces that doesn’t point to an RDFS but to an XMLS which is a pure syntactic consideration. RDF serialization: It is right that adopting a new RDF serialization proper to CC/PP will insulate CC/PP from changes in RDF, but leaving completely the RDF model will implies the loss of the RDF advantages. It’s well known that the current XML serialization of RDF is not unique. There is another serializing of RDF that is called N3 (developed by Tim Berners-Lee). It’s designed to be easy to parse and build larger applications on top of. N3 allows, in a simple way, writing out URIs and literal values in triples. In N3 it’s not necessary to give also the URI, furthermore N3 ensures an efficient way to abbreviate the URI which avoid using long URIs every where in the description. In my opinion the solution isn’t to leave RDF the model but to adopt a new RDF serialization proper to CC/PP. The new XML serialization should be a simple form of RDF following the approach of N3 but not in a plain text. XMLS schemata should also be used in order to ensure the validation of the profiles. In a description framework the two dimensions syntax and semantic must work together in order to make the framework efficient and useful. Constraints expressing: CC/PP should enables advanced mechanisms to express more complicated client constraints. Enriching CC/PP with logical expressing facilities will make it more efficient to be used to express clients constraints in well formed manner. In this context the effort made in RFC 2533: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2533.txt by Graham K for media feature description, represents a good approach to be inspired in order to define new CC/PP logical expressions. New constraints can be used and expressed within RDF bag, alt and seq. Best regards Tayeb* ---------- Tayeb Lemlouma http://www.inrialpes.fr/opera/people/Tayeb.Lemlouma/index.html <http://www.inrialpes.fr/opera/people/Tayeb.Lemlouma/index.html> Opera project National Research Institute in Computer Science and Control (INRIA Rhône-Alpes, France ) Office B213, phone (+33) 04 76 61 52 81, Fax (+33) 04 76 61 52 07. ------ End of Forwarded Message ------
Received on Friday, 21 June 2002 10:51:12 UTC