Forward: [Moderator Action] cc/pp implimentation


i am a student from india doing a research project on multimedia adaption.The syonpsis is as follows:

Title: The Adaptation of Multimedia Content for Mobile Environments


“Accessing information anytime, anywhere, with any device” is a widely used slogan. The problem, however, is how to bring multimedia services to terminals with limited capabilities. Our approach offers a solution for delivering multimedia presentations to terminals connected to mobile or fixed networks with varying capabilities. Our media wrapper is used to adapt the original presentation according to end-to-end environment characteristics; e.g., the user, terminal, and network type.


This work is intended to present a technique called ‘Media Wrapper’ that controls and models the media adaptation process. Using this approach, it will possible to scale and convert multimedia presentations to suit the end user’s terminal by making only one original presentation and letting the media wrapper to scale it for the different environments.


The adaptation will be performed using special algorithms. The media wrapper uses CC/PP profiling for defining the parameters that affect the adaptation. These parameters concern terminal, network, and client behavior.


In Simple Terms:

The rapid development of mobile and handheld terminals presumes that suitable content is available. The demand for “accessing information anytime and anywhere” is challenging for content and service providers. The industry requires cross-compatible tools for producing content using different standards and techniques. For example, the Web-based HTML lacks many of such properties, i.e., the content has to be in the WML (Wireless Mark-up Language) format for wireless terminals, the ability to dynamically alter the resolution of images has to be available.


This work will present a media wrapper technique that is intended for the automatic adaptation of multimedia presentations for dynamically changing wireless networks and a variety of terminals. The media wrapper controls the adaptation process with the ability to make ‘on-the-fly’ decisions in the changing multimedia presentation environment. It uses the newest standards when delivering content to mobile terminals and utilizes the software agent technology to provide scalable and expandable properties for different scaling and compression paradigms. These are then parsed and realized by using routines ran by autonomous agents.

Purpose: Presenting Weather Forecasts for Mobile devices
It presents a situation where the end user is requesting a weather forecast for the area where they live. The user makes the request by a PDA device with a wireless connection. The PDA is capable of showing HTML documents with text and images, but does not support video presentations. When making the request for the service, the end user contacts a server, which offers a wireless connection and weather forecast service. The server has the end user’s profile in its database, and based on the address in the profile, the server retrieves the weather forecast of the end user’s home area from the Internet. When the server has found the right information, it retrieves the URL of the original HTML presentation, and submits it together with the client parameters to the media wrapper. The media wrapper analyses the client parameters and discovers that a PDA device using certain parameters made the request. It decides the output based on the rules in its knowledge base, and discovers th!
at a summary of the HTML presentation with pictures in the GIF format are the supported formats for the end user’s terminal and network.

Our problem is how to impliment cc/pp into this so that server will know what is the capability/kind  of the client.

please give suggetions..



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Received on Monday, 24 September 2001 09:31:47 UTC