Missing prefix in spec

GabeW found a bug in the CCPP draft over on irc://openprojects.net/rdfig --
here's an excerpt from the log:

<GabeW> ok, so I am taking this example:
<GabeW> <ccpp:component>
<GabeW> <rdf:Description rdf:about="TerminalHardware">
<GabeW> <rdf:type rdf:resource="HardwarePlatform" />
<GabeW> <display>320x200</display>
<GabeW> </rdf:Description>
<GabeW> </ccpp:component>
<GabeW> There is no default namespace declaration (there are namespace
declarations for rdf and ccpp obviously)
<AaronSw> Yes?
<GabeW> So the content of the rdf:Description element contains an element
<display> which is not defined in a namespace, I guess its defined by CCPP..
the question is what the restrictions are on the content of RDF elements..
and what does it mean?
<AaronSw> Hmm, I think this is just a confusing bit of CCPP
<AaronSw> I think that they expect you to mentally associate display with
some namespace
<AaronSw> I think I wrote to them about this, but I'll send this over to
them as a heads up

Hope this is helpful,

[ Aaron Swartz | me@aaronsw.com | http://www.aaronsw.com ]

Received on Tuesday, 1 May 2001 01:47:48 UTC