comments on cc/pp last call from p3p spec group

The P3P Specification Working Group has reviewed
the CC/PP last call working draft. We have a few comments
we would like you to consider.

P3P is listed in Appendix A.2 Abbreviations -- but there
is no mention of P3P anywhere else in the spec. It would be
relevant to mention P3P where privacy concerns are discussed,
and perhaps in other places as well. Somewhere in this
spec it should probably mention that CC/PP vocabulary
elements can also be represented in a P3P data set -- with
an explanation as to how. You might also note that both P3P and
CC/PP involve comparisons of preferences and policies. 
Typically P3P would have the client do the comparison and CC/PP
would have the server do the comparison, but we could imagine
other scenarios. Perhaps CC/PP could be used to facilitate
sending P3P user preferences to servers (this in and of itself
raises privacy concerns, but with the user's permisison, this
could potentially be useful).

In appendix F there is a discussion of HTTP request
processing. It would be good to discuss how CC/PP would
fit in here when P3P is used as well. There's no one right
answer, but some guidelines and/or an example might be 


Lorrie Cranor
P3P Specification Working Group Chair

Received on Wednesday, 21 March 2001 23:25:14 UTC