RE: Server Side Magic.

At 03:52, 24/06/01 Tom Worthington wrote:

>Frames and tables in HTML are more of a display format rather than a data 
>abstraction. The table syntax has been enhanced with extra detail to 
>indicate column headings. This introduced a sort of data model for the

>Perhaps we need an slightly more abstract notation to represent the 
>relationship between groups of information. This might be interpreted by 
>browsers as a multiple frames on a large screen or as hypertext links on a 
>small screen.

Yes I agree - adding data models and grouping information would definitely
help. I was interested to see the examples of grouping information in the
W3C WAI Content Authoring Techniques document. For example describes how you can
group links together to form objects identifiable as navigation bars. This
is important because whether a device displays such a bar will depend on the
amount of screen real-estate available. 

Pages may also be organised into navigation bars and content using frames.
There are some interesting suggestions about how to avoid frames in the same
document (although I must
admit when I tried this I couldn't get it to work due to lack of user agent
conformance - the only browser that seems to support the object tag properly
is IE but IE5 seems to have insufficient CSS support for the example).

Thanks for the WebML reference - I hadn't seen that. 


Mark Butler
HP Labs Bristol

Received on Monday, 25 June 2001 04:57:10 UTC