Re: cHTML pages in English

Saurabh Adeeb wrote:
> Hi!
> I would like to know if there are any cHTML pages available in English
> out there in the www that can be viewed on a normal browser like say, IE
> or Netscape. Or is it that CHTML pages are only available for i-mode
> enabled handsets and that too, only in Japanese?
> Thanks and rgds
> Saurabh

This is question 1.13 in our imode-faq:

If you want to look at an English language imode page in your 
web-browser look here:

You will see question marks (?) instead of the "emoji" 
(=picture characters) which are special to imode, but
you don't miss much by not seeing them.

Gerhard Fasol

Received on Sunday, 22 July 2001 22:22:58 UTC